Chorley and South Ribble Hospital
Education Centre 3
Preston Road
United Kingdom
The unique feature of this course is that over 2 days there are hands-on sessions in small groups. You will have the opportunity to practice the use of ultrasound to identify and localize native kidneys of healthy volunteers as well as transplant patients. You will learn and experience the effect of correct positioning of the patient in this process as well. You will gain hands-on experience with the actual biopsy itself with our purpose-built renal biopsy simulator with real kidneys and also with a renal biopsy training model using different techniques and different guns and needles. Finally, you will examine the biopsy cores under microscope to make sure they are adequate. All of this will give you valuable experience and the opportunity to get a grip on equipment and handling in a stress-free setting. This course does not provide formal certification of competency in doing renal biopsy.
This is only course in the UK and worldwide to train on a purpose-designed model. The course has attracted since its start in 2012 participants from 48 countries over 4 continents.
The course also offers 12 CME points by the Royal College of Physicians in London.
The course fee is £350 per person.
Places are limited and competitive and are secured upon receipt of full payment. There is currently a waiting list for this course, register now.
The course fee is payable by credit card or debit card (not currently American Express). A link to our online payment system will be sent to you upon receipt of your completed reservation form.
To apply please complete the registration form and email it to